Frequently Asked Questions

You got questions? We can help!


You have the ability to shop without creating an account. However, if you register with us, you’ll enjoy several benefits such as adding items to your wishlist, review past purchases, and having your address and card details saved for quicker checkout.

We leverage the same manufacturers as the big guys and use the same quality of materials.

This all depends on the status of your order. We are unable to change any orders after they have already been shipped. If you want to cancel your order that already shipped, please email or leverage the chat. Please note that any approvals for cancellation are made at our sole discretion and we are under no obligation to do so.

Applicable sales tax will be included on all orders based on shipping address. Sales tax amount is estimated until order has shipped and shipping confirmation has been sent. The state/province and local governments require that we charge tax for items shipped to any state/province where IRONGEAR USA has a physical presence (such as a store, warehouse, or contact center).

Any order under $50 will be charged $5 shipping. Anything over $50 benefits from free shipping to Canada and mainland USA! Should your address be outside these areas, IRONGEAR reserves the right to cancel the order, or quote you for custom courier service.

Impossible, we ship right away! Reach out to us via chat, and we'll give you an update.

Currently, we only ship within the contiguous lower 48 states in the United States and Canada. Thankfully, we have warehouses in both Canada and USA, so no duties!

The usual channels are available for support:

  • Website chat
  • Call us at (561) 663-0292

Another option is sending an email to